Harvest Festival: We Are Grateful

The Harvest Festival, St. John’s big fundraiser, was held on September 9 and began with a wonderful concert of American Songbook favorites in the church by lovely singer Erin Shields and her husband, piano/violin maestro David Shenton. Beginning with “Too Darn Hot” (it was), beautiful, creative renditions of such classics as “I Left My Heart In San Francisco” (RIP, beloved Tony Bennett) and “Moon River” (everybody sang along) were heard, and the artists received a tumultuous, heartfelt standing ovation.

Next, to the tent (golf carts helpful) where a wonderful buffet of Harvest Smokehouse BBQ and sides, including desserts created and served by our volunteers, were enjoyed by all during the silent auction. Forty items, with photos and descriptions crafted by Karen Wimmer, called forth many bids, and the final tally for the Harvest Festival, including business donations, tickets sold, and items purchased, less expense, was $9,400.

Next year, the fundraising may be spread out over several events. For now, we are grateful that so many of our parish volunteered and that sixty attendees enjoyed themselves to the utmost. Huzzah, St. John’s!

Patricia Wann, Jim Wann, & Marjorie Hoog, Co-Chairs

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