Word from the Senior Warden

Fall, A season of colorful leaves, orange pumpkins, red apples, and the fruits of our labor…

The Capital Campaign Committee has met with Jeff Budd of Budd Iron Works in Copake Falls. Mr. Budd has given an estimate in 2023 cost to repair and restore the fencing surrounding the Pomeroy Graveyard. The committee is waiting for estimates to complete the water and electricity lines to the Pavilion, the landscaping surrounding the church and the remaining work to be done at the Prayer Circle.
Building and Grounds Committee has entertained new estimates for removal of additional dead and diseased trees surrounding the Pomeroy Graveyard and along the driveway to St. John. Martyn Moore Bridger, Arborist, will be removing a large Oak tree in the graveyard and the Norway spruce next to the rectory on October 24, 2023. Maintenance issues of water softener and plumbing in Burke Hall are being addressed.

Wendy has mailed the Stewardship letter for 2024.

The Painting of the Iron Works by John Bunyon Bristol (1908), owned by St. John in the Wilderness will be returned to the Church from the Roeliff Jansen Historical Society Museum where it was the main focal point of the historical society’s 2023 summer program, “The First 40 Years, A Celebration of Local History”.

Judy Whitbeck, Sr. Warden

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